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stplanr (version 1.2.2)

flow: Data frame of commuter flows


This dataset represents commuter flows (work travel) between origin and destination zones. The data is from the UK and is available as open data: https://wicid.ukdataservice.ac.uk/.



A data frame with 49 rows and 15 columns


The variables are as follows:

  • Area.of.residence. id of origin zone

  • Area.of.workplace id of destination zone

  • All. Travel to work flows by all modes

  • [,4:15]. Flows for different modes

  • id. unique id of flow

Although these variable names are unique to UK data, the data structure is generalisable and typical of flow data from any source. The key variables are the origin and destination ids, which link to the georeferenced spatial objects.

See Also

Other data: cents_sf, destinations_sf, flow_dests, flowlines_sf, od_data_lines, od_data_routes, od_data_sample, osm_net_example, read_table_builder(), route_network_sf, route_network_small, routes_fast_sf, routes_slow_sf, zones_sf

Other data: cents_sf, destinations_sf, flow_dests, flowlines_sf, od_data_lines, od_data_routes, od_data_sample, osm_net_example, read_table_builder(), route_network_sf, route_network_small, routes_fast_sf, routes_slow_sf, zones_sf