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stplanr (version 1.2.2)

line_bearing: Find the bearing of straight lines


This function returns the bearing (in degrees relative to north) of lines.


line_bearing(l, bidirectional = FALSE)



A spatial lines object


Should the result be returned in a bidirectional format? Default is FALSE. If TRUE, the same line in the oposite direction would have the same bearing


Returns a boolean vector. TRUE means that the associated line is in fact a point (has no distance). This can be useful for removing data that will not be plotted.

See Also

Other lines: angle_diff(), geo_toptail(), is_linepoint(), line2df(), line2points(), line_breakup(), line_midpoint(), line_segment(), line_segment1(), line_via(), mats2line(), n_segments(), n_vertices(), onewaygeo(), points2line(), toptail_buff()


Run this code
l <- flowlines_sf[1:5, ]
bearings_sf_1_9 <- line_bearing(l)
bearings_sf_1_9 # lines of 0 length have NaN bearing
b <- line_bearing(l, bidirectional = TRUE)
r <- routes_fast_sf[1:5, ]
b2 <- line_bearing(r, bidirectional = TRUE)
plot(b, b2)

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