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stplanr (version 1.2.2)

rnet_group: Assign segments in a route network to groups


This function assigns linestring features, many of which in an sf object can form route networks, into groups. By default, the function igraph::clusters() is used to determine group membership, but any igraph::cluster*() function can be used. See examples and the web page igraph.org/r/doc/communities.html for more information. From that web page, the following clustering functions are available:


rnet_group(rnet, ...)

# S3 method for default rnet_group(rnet, ...)

# S3 method for sfc rnet_group( rnet, cluster_fun = igraph::clusters, d = NULL, as.undirected = TRUE, ... )

# S3 method for sf rnet_group( rnet, cluster_fun = igraph::clusters, d = NULL, as.undirected = TRUE, ... )


If the input rnet is an sf/sfc object, it returns an integer vector reporting the groups of each network element. If the input is an sfNetwork object, it returns an sfNetwork object with an extra column called rnet_group representing the groups of each network element. In the latter case, the connectivity of the spatial object is derived from the sfNetwork object.



An sf, sfc, or sfNetwork object representing a route network.


Arguments passed to other methods.


The clustering function to use. Various clustering functions are available in the igraph package. Default: igraph::clusters().


Optional distance variable used to classify segments that are close (within a certain distance specified by d) to each other but not necessarily touching


Coerce the graph created internally into an undirected graph with igraph::as.undirected()? TRUE by default, which enables use of a wider range of clutering functions.


cluster_edge_betweenness, cluster_fast_greedy, cluster_label_prop, cluster_leading_eigen, cluster_louvain, cluster_optimal, cluster_spinglass, cluster_walktrap

See Also

Other rnet: gsection(), islines(), overline(), rnet_breakup_vertices()


Run this code
if (requireNamespace("igraph", quietly = TRUE)) {
rnet <- rnet_breakup_vertices(stplanr::osm_net_example)
rnet$group <- rnet_group(rnet)
# mapview::mapview(rnet["group"])
rnet$group_25m <- rnet_group(rnet, d = 25)
rnet$group_walktrap <- rnet_group(rnet, igraph::cluster_walktrap)
rnet$group_louvain <- rnet_group(rnet, igraph::cluster_louvain)
rnet$group_fast_greedy <- rnet_group(rnet, igraph::cluster_fast_greedy)

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