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stplanr (version 1.2.2)

route_rolling_gradient: Calculate rolling average gradient from elevation data at segment level


Calculate rolling average gradient from elevation data at segment level


route_rolling_gradient(elevations, distances, lag = 1, n = 2, abs = TRUE)



Elevations, e.g. those provided by the cyclestreets package


Distances, e.g. those provided by the cyclestreets package


The window size of the smoothing function. The default, 3, will take the mean of values before, after and including each value.


The window size of the smoothing function. The default, 3, will take the mean of values before, after and including each value.


Should the absolute (always positive) change be returned? True by default

See Also

Other route_funs: route_average_gradient(), route_rolling_average(), route_rolling_diff(), route_sequential_dist(), route_slope_matrix(), route_slope_vector()


Run this code
r1 <- od_data_routes[od_data_routes$route_number == 2, ]
y <- r1$elevations
distances <- r1$distances
route_rolling_gradient(y, distances)
route_rolling_gradient(y, distances, abs = FALSE)
route_rolling_gradient(y, distances, n = 3)
route_rolling_gradient(y, distances, n = 4)
r1$elevations_diff_1 <- route_rolling_diff(y, lag = 1)
r1$rolling_gradient <- route_rolling_gradient(y, distances, n = 2)
r1$rolling_gradient3 <- route_rolling_gradient(y, distances, n = 3)
r1$rolling_gradient4 <- route_rolling_gradient(y, distances, n = 4)
d <- cumsum(r1$distances) - r1$distances / 2
diff_above_mean <- r1$elevations_diff_1 + mean(y)
par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
plot(c(0, cumsum(r1$distances)), c(y, y[length(y)]), ylim = c(80, 130))
lines(c(0, cumsum(r1$distances)), c(y, y[length(y)]))
points(d, diff_above_mean)
abline(h = mean(y))
rg <- r1$rolling_gradient
rg[is.na(rg)] <- 0
plot(c(0, d), c(0, rg), ylim = c(0, 0.2))
points(c(0, d), c(0, r1$rolling_gradient3), col = "blue")
points(c(0, d), c(0, r1$rolling_gradient4), col = "grey")
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))

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