Population structure statistics
Hstats(g)statChi2(g, nrep = NULL, strata.mat = NULL, keep.null = FALSE, ...)
statFis(g, nrep = NULL, strata.mat = NULL, keep.null = FALSE, ...)
statFst(g, nrep = NULL, strata.mat = NULL, keep.null = FALSE, ...)
statFstPrime(g, nrep = NULL, strata.mat = NULL, keep.null = FALSE, ...)
statGst(g, nrep = NULL, strata.mat = NULL, keep.null = FALSE, ...)
statGstPrime(g, nrep = NULL, strata.mat = NULL, keep.null = FALSE,
prime.type = c("nei", "hedrick"), ...)
statGstDblPrime(g, nrep = NULL, strata.mat = NULL, keep.null = FALSE, ...)
statJostD(g, nrep = NULL, strata.mat = NULL, keep.null = FALSE, ...)
statPhist(g, nrep = NULL, strata.mat = NULL, keep.null = FALSE,
model = "K80", gamma = FALSE, pairwise.deletion = TRUE, ...)
number specifying number of permutation replicates to use for permutation test.
an optional matrix of permuted stratifications. See Notes
for more details. Ignored if nrep
is not NULL
logical. Keep the null distribution from the permutation test?
optional arguments passed to or from other functions.
type of G'st to calculate. Can be "nei" or "hedrick".
parameters passed to
. Note that defaults for these arguments
(in particular model
) are the same as in dist.dna
A list with three elements:
the name of the statistic.
a vector of the statistic estimate and the p-value, if replicates were conducted.
a vector of the null distribution from the permutations.
Nei, M. and R.K. Chesser. 1983. Estimation of fixation indices and gene diversities. Ann. Hum. Genet. 47:253-259.