Run MavericK clustering algorithm
params = NULL,
label = "MavericK_files",
data_fname = "data.txt",
param_fname = "parameters.txt",
exec = "Maverick1.0.5"
a list specifying parameters for MavericK. All parameters are available and can be specified by partial matching. The function will automatically specify parameters related to data formatting (data, headerRow_on, missingData, ploidy, ploidyCol_on, popCol_on), so those will be ignored. For a full list of available parameters and their definitions, see the MavericK documentation distributed with the program.
folder where input and output files will be written to.
file name of data input file.
file name of parameters file.
name of executable for MavericK.
Robert Verity and Richard Nichols. (2016) Estimating the number of subpopulations (K) in structured populations. Genetics Robert Verity and Richard Nichols. (2016) Documentation for MavericK software: Version 1.0