addpart(x = NULL, file = 'rawcounts.txt', outfile = NULL)
and $Saddpart
is a data frame giving the original count matrix with row and column marginals added to the right and bottom.$Sstats
is a data frame giving species diversity (Sobs), Simpson's Diversity Index (SimpsonsD = 1 - sum of squares of proportional counts), and Hurlbert's PIE (PIE = SimpsonsD * (n/(n-1)), where n = total number of individuals found at a site) for each site.$Saddpart
is a data frame giving alpha and beta partitions of divisersity under three different weighting scenarios: with sites weighted by n = total number of individuals found at a site, natural log of n (ln n), and assuming that all sites have equal number of individuals.Hurlbert (1971)
Lande, R. (1996) `Statistics and Partitioning of Species Diversity, and Similarity among Multiple Communities'. Oikos. 76(1):5--13.
, stratigraph