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stringi (version 0.2-5)

stri_replace_all_regex: Replace Occurrences of a Regex Pattern Matches


Replaces with the given replacement string every/first/last substring of the input that matches a regular expression


stri_replace_all_regex(str, pattern, replacement, opts_regex = NULL)

stri_replace_first_regex(str, pattern, replacement, opts_regex = NULL)

stri_replace_last_regex(str, pattern, replacement, opts_regex = NULL)


character vector of strings to search in
character vector of regular expressions
character vector of strings to replace with, possibly including references to capture groups
a named list with ICU Regex settings as generated with stri_opts_regex; NULL for default settings


  • Each function returns a character vector.


Vectorized over str, pattern, and replacement.

These functions scan the input string for matches of the pattern. Input that is not part of any match is left unchanged; each match is replaced in the result by the replacement string.

The replacement string may contain references to capture groups (in round parentheses). References are of the form $n, where n is the number of the capture group (their numbering starts from 1).

See Also

Other search_regex: stri_count_regex; stri_detect_regex; stri_extract_all_regex, stri_extract_first_regex, stri_extract_first_regex, stri_extract_last_regex, stri_extract_last_regex; stri_locate_all_regex, stri_locate_first_regex, stri_locate_first_regex, stri_locate_last_regex, stri_locate_last_regex; stri_match_all_regex, stri_match_first_regex, stri_match_first_regex, stri_match_last_regex, stri_match_last_regex; stri_opts_regex; stri_split_regex; stringi-search-regex; stringi-search

Other search_replace: stri_replace_all_charclass, stri_replace_first_charclass, stri_replace_first_charclass, stri_replace_last_charclass, stri_replace_last_charclass; stri_replace_all_coll, stri_replace_first_coll, stri_replace_first_coll, stri_replace_last_coll, stri_replace_last_coll; stri_replace_all_fixed, stri_replace_first_fixed, stri_replace_first_fixed, stri_replace_last_fixed, stri_replace_last_fixed; stri_replace_all; stri_replace_first; stri_replace_last; stri_replace_na; stri_replace; stringi-search


Run this code
s <- "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit."

if (stri_install_check(silent=TRUE))
stri_replace_all_regex(s, ".*? ", "#")

if (stri_install_check(silent=TRUE))
stri_replace_all_regex(s, "(el|s)it", "1234")

if (stri_install_check(silent=TRUE))
stri_replace_all_regex('abaca', 'a', c('!', '*'))

if (stri_install_check(silent=TRUE))
stri_replace_all_regex('123|456|789', '(\\p{N}).(\\p{N})', '$2-$1')

if (stri_install_check(silent=TRUE))
stri_replace_all_regex(c("stringi R", "REXAMINE", "123"), '( R|R.)', ' r ')

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab