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stringi (version 1.3.1)

stri_sub: Extract a Substring From or Replace a Substring In a Character Vector


stri_sub extracts substrings under code point-based index ranges provided. Its replacement version allows to substitute parts of a string with given strings. stri_sub_replace is its magrittr's pipe-operator- friendly version.


stri_sub(str, from = 1L, to = -1L, length)

stri_sub(str, from = 1L, to = -1L, length, omit_na=FALSE) <- value

stri_sub_replace(str, from = 1L, to = -1L, length, omit_na=FALSE, value)



character vector


integer vector or two-column matrix


integer vector; mutually exclusive with length and from being a matrix


integer vector; mutually exclusive with to and from being a matrix


single logical value; if TRUE, missing values in any of the arguments provided will result in an unchanged input; replacement function only


character vector to be substituted with; replacement function only


stri_sub returns a character vector. stri_sub<- changes the str object.

The extract function stri_sub returns the indicated substrings. The replacement function stri_sub<- is invoked for its side effect: once it is called, str is modified.


Vectorized over str, [value], from and (to or length). to and length are mutually exclusive.

to has priority over length. If from is a two-column matrix, then the first column is used as from and the second one as to. In such case arguments to and length are ignored.

Naturally, the indexes are code point-based, and not byte-based. Note that for some Unicode strings, the extracted substrings may not be well-formed, especially if the input is not NFC-normalized (see stri_trans_nfc), includes byte order marks, Bidirectional text marks, and so on. Handle with care.

Indexes are 1-based, i.e., an index equal to 1 denotes the first character in a string, which gives a typical R look-and-feel. Argument to defines the last index of the substring, inclusive.

For negative indexes in from or to, counting starts at the end of the string. For instance, index -1 denotes the last code point in the string. Non-positive length gives an empty string.

In stri_sub, out-of-bound indexes are silently corrected. If from > to, then an empty string is returned.

In stri_sub<-, some configurations of indexes may work as string concatenation at the front, back, or middle.

See Also

Other indexing: stri_locate_all_boundaries, stri_locate_all


Run this code
s <- "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit."
stri_sub(s, from=1:3*6, to=21)
stri_sub(s, from=c(1,7,13), length=5)
stri_sub(s, from=1, length=1:3)
stri_sub(s, -17, -7)
stri_sub(s, -5, length=4)
(stri_sub(s, 1, 5) <- "stringi")
(stri_sub(s, -6, length=5) <- ".")
(stri_sub(s, 1, 1:3) <- 1:2)

x <- c("a;b", "c:d")
(stri_sub(x, stri_locate_first_fixed(x, ";"), omit_na=TRUE) <- "_")

# }
x %>% stri_sub_replace(1, 5, value="new_substring")
# }

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