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stringi (version 1.7.8)

stri_list2matrix: Convert a List to a Character Matrix


This function converts a given list of atomic vectors to a character matrix.


  byrow = FALSE,
  fill = NA_character_,
  n_min = 0,
  by_row = byrow


Returns a character matrix.



a list of atomic vectors


a single logical value; should the resulting matrix be transposed?


a single string, see Details


a single integer value; minimal number of rows (byrow==FALSE) or columns (otherwise) in the resulting matrix


alias of byrow


Marek Gagolewski and other contributors


This function is similar to the built-in simplify2array function. However, it always returns a character matrix, even if each element in x is of length 1 or if elements in x are not of the same lengths. Moreover, the elements in x are always coerced to character vectors.

If byrow is FALSE, then a matrix with length(x) columns is returned. The number of rows is the length of the longest vector in x, but no less than n_min. Basically, we have result[i,j] == x[[j]][i] if i <= length(x[[j]]) and result[i,j] == fill otherwise, see Examples.

If byrow is TRUE, then the resulting matrix is a transposition of the above-described one.

This function may be useful, e.g., in connection with stri_split and stri_extract_all.

See Also

The official online manual of stringi at https://stringi.gagolewski.com/

Gagolewski M., stringi: Fast and portable character string processing in R, Journal of Statistical Software 103(2), 2022, 1-59, tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.18637/jss.v103.i02")

Other utils: stri_na2empty(), stri_remove_empty(), stri_replace_na()


Run this code
simplify2array(list(c('a', 'b'), c('c', 'd'), c('e', 'f')))
stri_list2matrix(list(c('a', 'b'), c('c', 'd'), c('e', 'f')))
stri_list2matrix(list(c('a', 'b'), c('c', 'd'), c('e', 'f')), byrow=TRUE)

simplify2array(list('a', c('b', 'c')))
stri_list2matrix(list('a', c('b', 'c')))
stri_list2matrix(list('a', c('b', 'c')), fill='')
stri_list2matrix(list('a', c('b', 'c')), fill='', n_min=5)

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