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stringi (version 1.7.8)

stri_sub_all: Extract or Replace Multiple Substrings


stri_sub_all extracts multiple substrings from each string. Its replacement version substitutes (in-place) multiple substrings with the corresponding replacement strings. stri_sub_replace_all (alias stri_sub_all_replace) is its forward pipe operator-friendly variant, returning a copy of the input vector.

For extracting/replacing single substrings from/within each string, see stri_sub.


  from = list(1L),
  to = list(-1L),
  use_matrix = TRUE,
  ignore_negative_length = TRUE

stri_sub_all( str, from = list(1L), to = list(-1L), length, omit_na = FALSE, use_matrix = TRUE ) <- value

stri_sub_replace_all(..., replacement, value = replacement)

stri_sub_all_replace(..., replacement, value = replacement)


stri_sub_all returns a list of character vectors. Its replacement versions modify the input 'in-place'.



character vector


list of integer vector giving the start indexes; alternatively, if use_matrix=TRUE, a list of two-column matrices of type cbind(from, to) (unnamed columns or the 2nd column named other than length) or cbind(from, length=length) (2nd column named length)


list of integer vectors giving the end indexes


list of integer vectors giving the substring lengths


single logical value; see from


single logical value; whether negative lengths should be ignored or result in missing values


single logical value; indicates whether missing values in any of the indexes or in value leave the part of the corresponding input string unchanged [replacement function only]


a list of character vectors defining the replacement strings [replacement function only]


arguments to be passed to stri_sub_all<-


alias of value [wherever applicable]


Marek Gagolewski and other contributors


Vectorized over str, [value], from and (to or length). Just like in stri_sub, parameters to and length are mutually exclusive.

In one of the simplest scenarios, stri_sub_all(str, from, to), the i-th element of the resulting list generated like stri_sub(str[i], from[[i]], to[[i]]). As usual, if one of the inputs is shorter than the others, recycling rule is applied.

If any of from, to, length, or value is not a list, it is wrapped into a list.

If from consists of a two-column matrix, then these two columns are used as from and to, respectively, unless the second column is named length. Such types of index matrices are generated by stri_locate_all. If extraction or replacement based on stri_locate_first or stri_locate_last is needed, see stri_sub.

In the replacement function, the index ranges must be sorted with respect to from and must be mutually disjoint. Negative length does not result in any altering of the corresponding input string. On the other hand, in stri_sub_all, this make the corresponding chunk be ignored, see ignore_negative_length, though.

See Also

The official online manual of stringi at https://stringi.gagolewski.com/

Gagolewski M., stringi: Fast and portable character string processing in R, Journal of Statistical Software 103(2), 2022, 1-59, tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.18637/jss.v103.i02")

Other indexing: stri_locate_all_boundaries(), stri_locate_all(), stri_sub()


Run this code
x <- c('12 3456 789', 'abc', '', NA, '667')
stri_sub_all(x, stri_locate_all_regex(x, '[0-9]+')) # see stri_extract_all
stri_sub_all(x, stri_locate_all_regex(x, '[0-9]+', omit_no_match=TRUE))

stri_sub_all(x, stri_locate_all_regex(x, '[0-9]+', omit_no_match=TRUE)) <- '***'

stri_sub_replace_all('a b c', c(1, 3, 5), c(1, 3, 5), replacement=c('A', 'B', 'C'))

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