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strucchange (version 1.5-4)

sctest.Fstats: supF-, aveF- and expF-Test


Performs the supF-, aveF- or expF-test


# S3 method for Fstats
sctest(x, type = c("supF", "aveF", "expF"),
    asymptotic = FALSE, ...)


An object of class "htest" containing:


the test statistic,


the corresponding p value,


a character string with the method used,


a character string with the data name.



an object of class "Fstats".


a character string specifying which test will be performed.


logical. Only necessary if x contains just a single F statistic and type is "supF" or "aveF". If then set to TRUE the asymptotic (chi-square) distribution instead of the exact (F) distribution will be used to compute the p value.


currently not used.


If x contains just a single F statistic and type is "supF" or "aveF" the Chow test will be performed.

The original GAUSS code for computing the p values of the supF-, aveF- and expF-test was written by Bruce Hansen and is available from https://www.ssc.wisc.edu/~bhansen/. R port by Achim Zeileis.


Andrews D.W.K. (1993), Tests for parameter instability and structural change with unknown change point, Econometrica, 61, 821-856.

Andrews D.W.K., Ploberger W. (1994), Optimal tests when a nuisance parameter is present only under the alternative, Econometrica, 62, 1383-1414.

Hansen B. (1992), Tests for parameter instability in regressions with I(1) processes, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 10, 321-335.

Hansen B. (1997), Approximate asymptotic p values for structural-change tests, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 15, 60-67.

See Also

Fstats, plot.Fstats


Run this code
## Load dataset "nhtemp" with average yearly temperatures in New Haven
## plot the data

## test the model null hypothesis that the average temperature remains
## constant over the years for potential break points between 1941
## (corresponds to from = 0.5) and 1962 (corresponds to to = 0.85)
## compute F statistics
fs <- Fstats(nhtemp ~ 1, from = 0.5, to = 0.85)
## plot the F statistics
plot(fs, alpha = 0.01)
## and the corresponding p values
plot(fs, pval = TRUE, alpha = 0.01)
## perform the aveF test
sctest(fs, type = "aveF")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab