Learn R Programming

styler (version 1.5.1)

specify_transformers_drop: Specify which tokens must be absent for a transformer to be dropped


{styler} can remove transformer functions safely removed from the list of transformers to be applied on every nest with transformers_drop() if the tokens that trigger a manipulation of the parse data are absent in the text to style. specify_transformers_drop() helps you specify these conditions.


  spaces = NULL,
  indention = NULL,
  line_breaks = NULL,
  tokens = NULL


spaces, indention, line_breaks, tokens

Each a list (or NULL) where the name of each element is the concerning transformer, the value is an unnamed vector with tokens that match the rule. See 'Examples'.


It is the responsibility of the developer to ensure expected behavior, in particular that:

  • the name of the supplied dropping criteria matches the name of the transformer function.

  • the dropping criteria (name + token) reflects correctly under which circumstances the transformer does not have an impact on styling and can therefore be safely removed without affecting the styling outcome.

You can use the unexported function test_transformers_drop() for some checks.


Note that the negative formulation (must be absent in order to be dropped) means that when you add a new rule and you forget to add a rule for when to drop it, it will not be dropped. If we required to specify the complement (which tokens must be present for the transformer to be kept), the transformer would be silently removed, which is less save.


Run this code
dropping <- specify_transformers_drop(
  spaces = c(remove_space_after_excl = "'!'")
style_guide <- create_style_guide(
  space = list(remove_space_after_excl = styler:::remove_space_after_excl),
  transformers_drop = dropping
# transformers_drop() will remove the transformer when the code does not
# contain an exclamation mark
style_guide_with_some_transformers_dropped <- styler:::transformers_drop(
  "x <- 3;2", style_guide
# note that dropping all transformers of a scope means that this scope
# has an empty named list for this scope
# this is not the same as if this scope was never specified.
tidyverse_style(scope = "none")$space
# Hence, styler should check for length 0 to decide if a scope is present or
# not, not via `is.null()` and we can use the `is.null()` check to see if
# this scope was initially required by the user.
# }

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