A roxygen code example segment corresponds to roxygen example code that
contains at most one \\dontrun{...}
or friends.
We drop all newline characters first because otherwise the code segment
passed to this function was previously parsed with parse_roxygen()
line-breaks in and after the \\dontrun{...}
are expressed with "\n"
, which
contradicts to the definition used elsewhere in this package, where every
element in a vector corresponds to a line. These line-breaks don't get
eliminated because they move to the front of a code_segment
gives "\n1"
, i.e. trailing newlines are not
style_roxygen_code_example_segment(one_dont, transformers, base_indention)
Bare R code containing at most one \\dontrun{...}
Passed to cache_make_key()
to generate
a key.
Integer scalar indicating by how many spaces the whole
output text should be indented. Note that this is not the same as splitting
by line and add a base_indention
spaces before the code in the case
multi-line strings are present. See 'Examples'.
Styling involves splitting roxygen example code into segments, and segments
into snippets. This describes the process for input of
Splitting code into roxygen example code and other code. Downstream,
we are only concerned about roxygen code. See
Every roxygen example code can have zero or more
dontrun / dontshow / donttest sequences. We next create segments of roxygen
code examples that contain at most one of these. See
We further split the segment that contains at most one dont* sequence into
snippets that are either don* or not. See
Finally, that we have roxygen code snippets that are either dont* or not,
we style them in style_roxygen_example_snippet()