- pkg
Path to a (subdirectory of an) R package.
- ...
Arguments passed on to the style
see tidyverse_style()
for the default argument.
- style
A function that creates a style guide to use, by default
. Not used
further except to construct the argument transformers
. See
for details.
- transformers
A set of transformer functions. This argument is most
conveniently constructed via the style
argument and ...
. See
- filetype
Vector of file extensions indicating which file types should
be styled. Case is ignored, and the .
is optional, e.g.
c(".R", ".Rmd")
, or c("r", "rmd")
. Supported values (after
standardization) are: "r", "rprofile", "rmd", "rmarkdown", "rnw". Rmarkdown is treated as Rmd.
- exclude_files
Character vector with paths to files that should be
excluded from styling.
- exclude_dirs
Character vector with directories to exclude
(recursively). Note that the default values were set for consistency with
and as these directories are anyways not styled.
- include_roxygen_examples
Whether or not to style code in roxygen
- base_indention
Integer scalar indicating by how many spaces the whole
output text should be indented. Note that this is not the same as splitting
by line and add a base_indention
spaces before the code in the case
multi-line strings are present. See 'Examples'.
- dry
To indicate whether styler should run in dry mode, i.e. refrain
from writing back to files ."on"
and "fail"
both don't write back, the
latter returns an error if the input code is not identical to the result
of styling. "off", the default, writes back if the input and output of
styling are not identical.