########### Generate some data ############
n <- 30
p <- 10
x <- matrix(rnorm(n*p),ncol=p)
y <- c(rep(1,n/2),rep(2,n/2))
xte <- matrix(rnorm(n*p),ncol=p)
yte <- c(rep(1,n/2),rep(2,n/2))
x[y==1,1:(p)] <- x[y==1,1:(p)] + .4
x[y==2,1:(p)] <- x[y==2,1:(p)] - .4
xte[yte==1,1:(p)] <- xte[yte==1,1:(p)] + .4
xte[yte==2,1:(p)] <- xte[yte==2,1:(p)] - .4
# Done generating data #
########### Perform SuperMDS ##############
out <- TrainSuperMDS(x=x,y=y,alpha=.4,S=2, silent=TRUE)
# A plot of the training configuration points #
plot(out$z, col=yte, main="Training Data", xlab="Dimension 1", ylab="Dimension 2")
testout <- TestSuperMDS(trout=out,xte=xte)
ytehat <- testout$ytehat
# A table showing the true vs predicted class labels #
# A plot of the test configuration points #
plot(testout$zte, col=yte, main="Test Data", xlab="Dimension 1", ylab="Dimension 2")
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