Students at a university taking an introductory statistics course were asked to complete this survey as part of their homework.
A dataset with 157 observations on the following 16 variables.
Sex of participant.
Racial or ethnic background.
Members of immediate family (excluding self).
Last digit of social security number (NA if no SSN).
Year in school: 1=First, 2=Second, 3=Third, 4=Fourth, 5=Other
Current employment status: 0=not working, 1=part-time job, 2=full-time job
Agreement with this statement "In general I tend to feel very anxious about mathematics": 2=Strongly Agree, 1=Agree, 0=Neither Agree nor Disagree, -1=Disagree, -2=Strongly Disagree
Interest in statistics and the course: 2=very interested in course and statistics, 1=somewhat interested, 0=no interest, -1=dread the course.
Prediction for final grade in the course from the university's grade points per unit: 4.0=A, 3.7=A-, 3.3=B+, 3.0=B, 2.7=B-, 2.3=C+, 2.0=C, 1.7=C-, 1.3=Below C-
Length in mm from tip of thumb to the crease between the thumb and palm.
Length in mm from tip of index finger to the crease between the index finger and palm.
Length in mm from tip of middle finger to the crease between the middle finger and palm.
Length in mm from tip of ring finger to the crease between the middle finger and palm.
Length in mm from tip of pinkie finger to the crease between the pinkie finger and palm
Height in inches.
Weight in pounds.