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supernova (version 3.0.0)

pairwise: Compute all pairwise comparisons between category levels


This function is useful for generating and testing all pairwise comparisons of categorical terms in a linear model. This can be done in base R using functions like pairwise.t.test and TukeyHSD, but these functions are inconsistent both in their output format and their general approach to pairwise comparisons. pairwise() will return a consistent table format, and will make consistent decisions about how to calculate error terms and confidence intervals. See the Details section low for more on how the models are tested (and why your output might not match other functions).


  correction = "Tukey",
  term = NULL,
  alpha = 0.05,
  var_equal = TRUE,
  plot = FALSE

pairwise_t(fit, term = NULL, alpha = 0.05, correction = "none")

pairwise_bonferroni(fit, term = NULL, alpha = 0.05)

pairwise_tukey(fit, term = NULL, alpha = 0.05)


A list of tables organized by the terms in the model. For each term (categorical terms only, as splitting on a continuous variable is generally uninformative), the table describes all of the pairwise-comparisons possible.



A model fit by lm() or aov() (or similar).


The type of correction (if any) to perform to maintain the family-wise error-rate specified by alpha: - Tukey: computes Tukey's Honestly Significant Differences (see TukeyHSD()) - Bonferroni: computes pairwise t-tests and then apply a Bonferroni correction - none: computes pairwise t-tests and reports the uncorrected statistics


If NULL, use each categorical term in the model. Otherwise, only use the given term.


The family-wise error-rate to restrict the tests to. If "none" is given for correction, this value is the value for each test (and is used to calculate the family-wise error-rate for the group of tests).


If TRUE (default), treat the variances between each group as being equal, otherwise the Welch or Satterthwaite method is used to appropriately weight the variances. Note:, currently only TRUE is supported. Alternative methods forthcoming.


Setting plot to TRUE will automatically call plot on the returned object.


For simple one-way models where a single categorical variable predicts and outcome, you will get output similar to other methods of computing pairwise comparisons. Essentially, the differences on the outcome between each of the groups defined by the categorical variable are compared with the requested test, and their confidence intervals and p-values are adjusted by the requested correction.

However, when more than two variables are entered into the model, the outcome will diverge somewhat from other methods of computing pairwise comparisons. For traditional pairwise tests you need to estimate an error term, usually by pooling the standard deviation of the groups being compared. This means that when you have other predictors in the model, their presence is ignored when running these tests. For the functions in this package, we instead compute the pooled standard error by using the mean squared error (MSE) from the full model fit.

Let's take a concrete example to explain that. If we are predicting a car's miles-per-gallon (mpg) based on whether it has an automatic or manual transmission (am), we can create that linear model and get the pairwise comparisons like this:

pairwise(lm(mpg ~ factor(am), data = mtcars))

The output of this code will have one table showing the comparison of manual and automatic transmissions with regard to miles-per-gallon. The pooled standard error is the same as the square root of the MSE from the full model.

In these data the am variable did not have any other values than automatic and manual, but we can imagine situations where the predictor has more than two levels. In these cases, the pooled SD would be calculated by taking the MSE of the full model (not of each group) and then weighting it based on the size of the groups in question (divide by n).

To improve our model, we might add the car's displacement (disp) as a quantitative predictor:

pairwise(lm(mpg ~ factor(am) + disp, data = mtcars))

Note that the output still only has a table for am. This is because we can't do a pairwise comparison using disp because there are no groups to compare. Most functions will drop or not let you use this variable during pairwise comparisons. Instead, pairwise() uses the same approach as in the 3+ groups situation: we use the MSE for the full model and then weight it by the size of the groups being compared. Because we are using the MSE for the full model, the effect of disp is accounted for in the error term even though we are not explicitly comparing different displacements. Importantly, the interpretation of the outcome is different than in other traditional t-tests. Instead of saying, "there is a difference in miles-per-gallon based on the type of transmission," we must add that this difference is found "after accounting for displacement."