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autoplot.resid: Residual Plots for Cumulative Link and General Regression Models


Residual-based diagnostic plots for cumulative link and general regression models using ggplot2 graphics.


autoplot.resid(object, what = c("qq", "fitted", "covariate"), x = NULL,
  fit = NULL, distribution = qnorm, alpha = 1, xlab = NULL,
  color = "#444444", shape = 19, size = 2, qqpoint.color = "#444444",
  qqpoint.shape = 19, qqpoint.size = 2, qqline.color = "#888888",
  qqline.linetype = "dashed", qqline.size = 1, smooth = TRUE,
  smooth.color = "red", smooth.linetype = 1, smooth.size = 1,
  fill = NULL, ...)

autoplot.clm(object, what = c("qq", "fitted", "covariate"), x = NULL, nsim = 1, alpha = 1, xlab = NULL, color = "#444444", shape = 19, size = 2, qqpoint.color = "#444444", qqpoint.shape = 19, qqpoint.size = 2, qqline.color = "#888888", qqline.linetype = "dashed", qqline.size = 1, smooth = TRUE, smooth.color = "red", smooth.linetype = 1, smooth.size = 1, fill = NULL, ...)

autoplot.glm(object, what = c("qq", "fitted", "covariate"), x = NULL, jitter.scale = c("probability", "response"), nsim = 1, alpha = 1, xlab = NULL, color = "#444444", shape = 19, size = 2, qqpoint.color = "#444444", qqpoint.shape = 19, qqpoint.size = 2, qqline.color = "#888888", qqline.linetype = "dashed", qqline.size = 1, smooth = TRUE, smooth.color = "red", smooth.linetype = 1, smooth.size = 1, fill = NULL, ...)

autoplot.lrm(object, what = c("qq", "fitted", "covariate"), x = NULL, nsim = 1, alpha = 1, xlab = NULL, color = "#444444", shape = 19, size = 2, qqpoint.color = "#444444", qqpoint.shape = 19, qqpoint.size = 2, qqline.color = "#888888", qqline.linetype = "dashed", qqline.size = 1, smooth = TRUE, smooth.color = "red", smooth.linetype = 1, smooth.size = 1, fill = NULL, ...)

autoplot.orm(object, what = c("qq", "fitted", "covariate"), x = NULL, nsim = 1, alpha = 1, xlab = NULL, color = "#444444", shape = 19, size = 2, qqpoint.color = "#444444", qqpoint.shape = 19, qqpoint.size = 2, qqline.color = "#888888", qqline.linetype = "dashed", qqline.size = 1, smooth = TRUE, smooth.color = "red", smooth.linetype = 1, smooth.size = 1, fill = NULL, ...)

autoplot.polr(object, what = c("qq", "fitted", "covariate"), x = NULL, nsim = 1, alpha = 1, xlab = NULL, color = "#444444", shape = 19, size = 2, qqpoint.color = "#444444", qqpoint.shape = 19, qqpoint.size = 2, qqline.color = "#888888", qqline.linetype = "dashed", qqline.size = 1, smooth = TRUE, smooth.color = "red", smooth.linetype = 1, smooth.size = 1, fill = NULL, ...)

autoplot.vglm(object, what = c("qq", "fitted", "covariate"), x = NULL, nsim = 1, alpha = 1, xlab = NULL, color = "#444444", shape = 19, size = 2, qqpoint.color = "#444444", qqpoint.shape = 19, qqpoint.size = 2, qqline.color = "#888888", qqline.linetype = "dashed", qqline.size = 1, smooth = TRUE, smooth.color = "red", smooth.linetype = 1, smooth.size = 1, fill = NULL, ...)



An object of class clm, glm, lrm, orm, polr, or vglm.


Character string specifying what to plot. Default is "qq" which produces a quantile-quantile plots of the residuals.


A vector giving the covariate values to use for residual-by- covariate plots (i.e., when what = "covariate").


The fitted model from which the residuals were extracted. (Only required if what = "fitted" and object inherits from class "resid".)


Function that computes the quantiles for the reference distribution to use in the quantile-quantile plot. Default is qnorm which is only appropriate for models using a probit link function. When jitter.scale = "probability", the reference distribution is always U(-0.5, 0.5). (Only required if object inherits from class "resid".)


A single values in the interval [0, 1] controlling the opacity alpha of the plotted points. Only used when nsim > 1.


Character string giving the text to use for the x-axis label in residual-by-covariate plots. Default is NULL.


Character string or integer specifying what color to use for the points in the residual vs fitted value/covariate plot. Default is "black".


Integer or single character specifying a symbol to be used for plotting the points in the residual vs fitted value/covariate plot.


Numeric value specifying the size to use for the points in the residual vs fitted value/covariate plot.


Character string or integer specifying what color to use for the points in the quantile-quantile plot.


Integer or single character specifying a symbol to be used for plotting the points in the quantile-quantile plot.


Numeric value specifying the size to use for the points in the quantile-quantile plot.


Character string or integer specifying what color to use for the points in the quantile-quantile plot.


Integer or character string (e.g., "dashed") specifying the type of line to use in the quantile-quantile plot.


Numeric value specifying the thickness of the line in the quantile-quantile plot.


Logical indicating whether or not too add a nonparametric smooth to certain plots. Default is TRUE.


Character string or integer specifying what color to use for the nonparametric smooth.


Integer or character string (e.g., "dashed") specifying the type of line to use for the nonparametric smooth.


Numeric value specifying the thickness of the line for the nonparametric smooth.


Character string or integer specifying the color to use to fill the boxplots for residual-by-covariate plots when x is of class "factor". Default is NULL which colors the boxplots according to the factor levels.


Additional optional arguments. (Currently ignored.)


Integer specifying the number of bootstrap replicates to use.


Character string specifying the scale on which to perform the jittering. Should be one of "probability" or "response". Currently only used when object inherits from class "glm". Default is "probability".


A "ggplot" object.


Run this code
# See ?resids for an example
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab