List of objects with the following items:
cloriginal survPen
type"net" or "overall"
n.legendrenumber of nodes for Gauss-Legendre quadrature
nnumber of individuals
pnumber of parameters
X.paradesign matrix associated with fully parametric parameters (unpenalized)
X.smoothdesign matrix associated with the penalized parameters
Xdesign matrix for the model
T.Xtranspose of X
leglist of nodes and weights for Gauss-Legendre integration on [-1;1] as returned by gauss.quad
X.GLlist of matrices (length(X.GL)=n.legendre
) for Gauss-Legendre quadrature
T.X.GLlist of the transposes of the elements of X.GL
X.GL.w.tmlist whose elements are X.GL[[i]]*leg$weights[i]*tm
Spenalty matrix for the model. Sum of the elements of S.list
S.scalevector of rescaling factors for the penalty matrices
rank.Srank of the penalty matrix
S.Fbalanced penalty matrix as described in section 3.1.2 of (Wood,2016). Sum of the elements of S.F.list
U.FEigen vectors of S.F, useful for the initial reparameterization to separate penalized ad unpenalized subvectors. Allows stable evaluation of the log determinant of S and its derivatives
S.smfList of penalty matrices associated with all "smf" calls
S.tensorList of penalty matrices associated with all "tensor" calls
S.tintList of penalty matrices associated with all "tint" calls
S.rdList of penalty matrices associated with all "rd" calls of names for the "smf" calls associated with S.smf of names for the "tensor" calls associated with S.tensor of names for the "tint" calls associated with S.tint of names for the "rd" calls associated with S.rd
S.penList of all the rescaled penalty matrices redimensioned to df.tot size. Every element of pen
noted pen[[i]]
is made from a penalty matrix returned by
and is multiplied by the factor
S.listEquivalent to S.pen but with every element multiplied by its associated smoothing parameter
S.F.listEquivalent to S.pen but with every element divided by its Frobenius norm
lambdavector of smoothing parameters
df.paradegrees of freedom associated with fully parametric terms (unpenalized)
df.smoothdegrees of freedom associated with penalized terms
df.totdf.para + df.smooth
list.smfList of all smf.smooth.spec
objects contained in the model
list.tensorList of all tensor.smooth.spec
objects contained in the model
list.tintList of all tint.smooth.spec
objects contained in the model
nb.smoothnumber of smoothing parameters
Z.smfList of matrices that represents the sum-to-zero constraints to apply for smf
Z.tensorList of matrices that represents the sum-to-zero constraints to apply for tensor
Z.tintList of matrices that represents the sum-to-zero constraints to apply for tint
beta.iniinitial set of regression parameters