List of objects:
callthe original survPen call
formulathe original survPen formula
coefficientsreports the regression parameters estimates for unpenalized terms with the associated standard errors
edf.per.smoothreports the edf associated with each smooth term
randomTRUE if there are random effects in the model
random.effectsreports the estimates of the log standard deviation (log(sd)) of every random effects plus the estimated standard error (also on the log(sd) scale)
likelihoodunpenalized likelihood of the model
penalized.likelihoodpenalized likelihood of the model
nb.smoothnumber of smoothing parameters
smoothing.parametersmoothing parameters estimates
parametersnumber of regression parameters
edfeffective degrees of freedom
methodsmoothing selection criterion used (LAML or LCV)
val.criterionminimized value of criterion. For LAML, what is reported is the negative log marginal likelihood
convergedconvergence indicator, TRUE or FALSE. TRUE if Hess.beta.modif=FALSE and Hess.rho.modif=FALSE (or NULL)