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surveillance (version 1.23.1)

algo.call: Query Transmission to Specified Surveillance Algorithm


Transmission of a object of class disProg to the specified surveillance algorithm.


algo.call(disProgObj, control = list(
                     list(funcName = "rki1", range = range),
                     list(funcName = "rki", range = range,
                          b = 2, w = 4, actY = TRUE),
                     list(funcName = "rki", range = range,
                          b = 2, w = 5, actY = TRUE)))


a list of survRes objects generated by the specified surveillance algorithm



object of class disProg, which includes the state chain and the observed


specifies which surveillance algorithm should be used with their parameters. The parameter funcName and range must be specified. Here, funcName is the appropriate method function (without 'algo.') and range defines the timepoints to be evaluated by the actual system.

See Also

algo.rki, algo.bayes, algo.farrington


Run this code
# Create a test object
disProg <- sim.pointSource(p = 0.99, r = 0.5, length = 400, A = 1,
                           alpha = 1, beta = 0, phi = 0,
                           frequency = 1, state = NULL, K = 1.7)

# Let this object be tested from any methods in range = 200:400
range <- 200:400
survRes <- algo.call(disProg,
                     control = list(
                         list(funcName = "rki1", range = range),
                         list(funcName = "rki2", range = range),
                         list(funcName = "rki3", range = range),
                         list(funcName = "rki", range = range,
                              b = 3, w = 2, actY = FALSE),
                         list(funcName = "rki", range = range,
                              b = 2, w = 9, actY = TRUE),
                         list(funcName = "bayes1", range = range),
                         list(funcName = "bayes2", range = range),
                         list(funcName = "bayes3", range = range),
                         list(funcName = "bayes",
                              range = range, b = 1, w = 5, actY = TRUE,alpha=0.05)
# show selected survRes objects

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