## load the 'imdepi' data and a model fit
data("imdepi", "imdepifit")
## calculate individual and type-specific reproduction numbers
R0s <- R0(imdepifit)
tapply(R0s, imdepi$events@data[names(R0s), "type"], summary)
## untrimmed R0 for specific event settings
refevent <- data.frame(agegrp = "[0,3)", type = "B", eps.s = Inf, eps.t = 30)
setting2 <- data.frame(agegrp = "[3,19)", type = "C", eps.s = Inf, eps.t = 14)
newevents <- rbind("ref" = refevent, "event2" = setting2)
(R0_examples <- R0(imdepifit, newevents = newevents, trimmed = FALSE))
### compute a Monte Carlo confidence interval
## use a simpler model with constant 'siaf' for speed
simplefit <- update(imdepifit, epidemic=~type, siaf=NULL, subset=NULL)
## we'd like to compute the mean R0's by event type
meanR0ByType <- function (newcoef) {
R0events <- R0(simplefit, newcoef=newcoef)
tapply(R0events, imdepi$events@data[names(R0events),"type"], mean)
(meansMLE <- meanR0ByType(newcoef=NULL))
## sample B times from asymptotic multivariate normal of the MLE
B <- 5 # CAVE: toy example! In practice this has to be much larger
parsamples <- MASS::mvrnorm(B, mu=coef(simplefit), Sigma=vcov(simplefit))
## for each sample compute the 'meanR0ByType'
meansMC <- apply(parsamples, 1, meanR0ByType)
## get the quantiles and print the result
cisMC <- apply(cbind(meansMLE, meansMC), 1, quantile, probs=c(0.025,0.975))
print(rbind(MLE=meansMLE, cisMC))
### R0 for a simple epidemic model
### without epidemic covariates, i.e., all individuals are equally infectious
mepi1 <- update(simplefit, epidemic = ~1, subset = type == "B",
model = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
## using the default spatial and temporal ranges of interaction
(R0B <- simpleR0(mepi1)) # eps.s=200, eps.t=30
stopifnot(identical(R0B, R0(mepi1, trimmed = FALSE)[[1]]))
## assuming smaller interaction ranges (but same infection intensity)
simpleR0(mepi1, eps.s = 50, eps.t = 15)
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