data("imdepi", "imdepifit")
## Fit an endemic-only twinstim() and an equivalent model wrapped in glm()
fit_twinstim <- update(imdepifit, epidemic = ~0, siaf = NULL, subset = NULL,
optim.args=list(control=list(trace=0)), verbose=FALSE)
fit_glm <- glm_epidataCS(formula(fit_twinstim)$endemic, data = imdepi)
## Compare the coefficients
cbind(twinstim = coef(fit_twinstim), glm = coef(fit_glm))
# \dontshow{
stopifnot(all.equal(coef(fit_glm), coef(fit_twinstim),
tolerance = 1e-6, check.attributes = FALSE))
if (surveillance.options("allExamples")) {
## also check type-specific model:
coef(glm_epidataCS(~0+type, imdepi)),
coef(update(fit_twinstim, endemic=~(1|type))),
tolerance = 1e-6, check.attributes = FALSE))
# }
### also compare to an equivalent endemic-only hhh4() fit
## first need to aggregate imdepi into an "sts" object
load(system.file("shapes", "districtsD.RData", package="surveillance"))
imdsts <- epidataCS2sts(imdepi, freq = 12, start = c(2002, 1),
neighbourhood = NULL, tiles = districtsD,
popcol.stgrid = "popdensity")
## determine the correct offset to get an equivalent model
offset <- 2 * rep(with(subset(imdepi$stgrid, !duplicated(BLOCK)),
stop - start), ncol(imdsts)) *
sum(districtsD$POPULATION) * population(imdsts)
## fit the model using hhh4()
fit_hhh4 <- hhh4(imdsts, control = list(
end = list(
f = addSeason2formula(~I(start/365-3.5), period=365, timevar="start"),
offset = offset
), family = "Poisson", subset = 1:nrow(imdsts),
data = list(start=with(subset(imdepi$stgrid, !duplicated(BLOCK)), start))))
stopifnot(all.equal(coef(fit_hhh4), coef(fit_glm), check.attributes=FALSE))
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab