age: in years
albumin: serum albumin (g/dl)
alk.phos: alkaline phosphotase (U/liter)
ascites: presence of ascites
ast: aspartate aminotransferase, once called SGOT (U/ml)
bili: serum bilirunbin (mg/dl)
chol: serum cholesterol (mg/dl)
copper: urine copper (ug/day)
edema: 0 no edema, 0.5 untreated or successfully treated
1 edema despite diuretic therapy
hepato: presence of hepatomegaly or enlarged liver
id: case number
platelet: platelet count
protime: standardised blood clotting time
sex: m/f
spiders: blood vessel malformations in the skin
stage: histologic stage of disease (needs biopsy)
status: status at endpoint, 0/1/2 for censored, transplant, dead
time: number of days between registration and the earlier of death,
transplantion, or study analysis in July, 1986
trt: 1/2/NA for D-penicillmain, placebo, not randomised
trig: triglycerides (mg/dl)
T Therneau and P Grambsch (2000),
Modeling Survival Data: Extending the Cox Model,
Springer-Verlag, New York.
ISBN: 0-387-98784-3.