svDialogstcltk (version 1.0.0)

svDialogstcltk-package: svDialogstcltk: 'SciViews' - Standard Dialog Boxes using Tcl/Tk


Reimplementation of the 'svDialogs' dialog boxes in Tcl/Tk.


Important functions


Implementation of Tcl/Tk dialog boxes for svDialogs. When the package is loaded, it inserts a new tcltkGUI dependency in the .GUI object (if it is not defined yet). That way, every call to .GUI dispatches first to the current Tcl/Tk implementation of the dialog boxes. For your own, separate GUI (say called myGUI), you have to create the binding by yourself by calling svGUI::gui_widgets(myGUI) <- "tcltkGUI".

See Also

Useful links: