.MCMC parameter estimation for objects of class synlik
smcmc(object, initPar, niter, nsim, propCov, burn = 0,
priorFun = function(param, ...) 0, targetRate = NULL, recompute = FALSE,
multicore = !is.null(cluster), cluster = NULL, ncores = detectCores() -
1, control = list(), ...)
An object of class smcmc
An object of class synlik
see smcmc-class
see smcmc-class
see smcmc-class
see smcmc-class
see smcmc-class
see smcmc-class
see smcmc-class
see smcmc-class
see smcmc-class
an object of class c("SOCKcluster", "cluster")
. This allowes the user to pass her own cluster,
which will be used if multicore == TRUE
. The user has to remember to stop the cluster.
see smcmc-class
see smcmc-class
additional arguments to be passed to slik
function, see slik
Matteo Fasiolo <>, code for adaptive step from the adaptMCMC package.
Vihola, M. (2011) Robust adaptive Metropolis algorithm with coerced acceptance rate. Statistics and Computing.