- sex
- age
Age of person, 2011
- agegr
Age group, 2011
- placesize
Category of the place of residence
- region
Region (voivodeship)
- edu
Highest educational qualification, 2011
- eduspec
Discipline of completed qualification
- socprof
Socio-economic status, 2011
- unempdur
Total duration of unemployment in the last 2 years (in months)
- income
Personal monthly net income
- marital
Marital status
- mmarr
Month of marriage
- ymarr
Year of marriage
- msepdiv
Month of separation/divorce
- ysepdiv
Year of separation/divorce
- ls
Perception of life as a whole
- depress
Depression symptoms indicator
- trust
View on interpersonal trust
- trustfam
Trust in own family members
- trustneigh
Trust in neighbours
- sport
Active engagement in some form of sport or exercise
- nofriend
Number of friends
- smoke
Smoking cigarettes
- nociga
Number of cigarettes smoked per day
- alcabuse
Drinking too much alcohol
- alcsol
Starting to use alcohol to cope with troubles
- workab
Working abroad in 2007-2011
- wkabdur
Total time spent on working abroad
- wkabint
Plans to go abroad to work in the next two years
- wkabintdur
Intended duration of working abroad
- emcc
Intended destination country
- englang
Knowledge of English language
- height
Height of person
- weight
Weight of person
- bmi
Body mass index