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systemfit (version 1.1-30)

vcov.systemfit: Variance covariance matrix of coefficients


These functions extract the variance covariance matrix of the coefficients from an object returned by systemfit.


# S3 method for systemfit
vcov( object, modified.regMat = FALSE, ... )

# S3 method for systemfit.equation vcov( object, ... )


vcov.systemfit returns the variance covariance matrix of all estimated coefficients.



an object of class systemfit or systemfit.equation.


logical. If TRUE, the covariance matrix of the coefficients of the modified regressor matrix (original regressor matrix post-multiplied by restrict.regMat) rather than the covariance matrix of the coefficients of the original regressor matrix is returned.


other arguments.


Arne Henningsen arne.henningsen@googlemail.com

See Also

systemfit, vcov


Run this code
data( "Kmenta" )
eqDemand <- consump ~ price + income
eqSupply <- consump ~ price + farmPrice + trend
system <- list( demand = eqDemand, supply = eqSupply )

## perform OLS on each of the equations in the system
fitols <- systemfit( system, data = Kmenta )

## variance covariance matrix of all coefficients
vcov( fitols )

## variance covariance matrix of the coefficients in the first equation
vcov( fitols$eq[[1]] )

## variance covariance matrix of the coefficients in the second equation
vcov( fitols$eq[[2]] )

## estimation with restriction by modifying the regressor matrix
modReg <- matrix( 0, 7, 6 )
colnames( modReg ) <- c( "demIntercept", "demPrice", "demIncome",
   "supIntercept", "supPrice2", "supTrend" )
modReg[ 1, "demIntercept" ] <- 1
modReg[ 2, "demPrice" ]     <- 1
modReg[ 3, "demIncome" ]    <- 1
modReg[ 4, "supIntercept" ] <- 1
modReg[ 5, "supPrice2" ]    <- 1
modReg[ 6, "supPrice2" ]    <- 1
modReg[ 7, "supTrend" ]     <- 1
fitsur <- systemfit( system, "SUR", data = Kmenta, restrict.regMat = modReg )
vcov( fitsur, modified.regMat  = TRUE )
vcov( fitsur )

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