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targets (version

tar_meta: Read a project's metadata.


Read the metadata of all recorded targets and global objects.


tar_meta(names = NULL, fields = NULL)



Optional, names of the targets. If supplied, tar_meta() only returns metadata on these targets. You can supply symbols, a character vector, or tidyselect helpers like starts_with().


Optional, names of columns/fields to select. If supplied, tar_meta() only returns the selected metadata columns. You can supply symbols, a character vector, or tidyselect helpers like starts_with(). The name column is always included first no matter what you select. Choices:

  • name: name of the target or global object.

  • type: type of the object: either "function" or "object" for imported global objects, and "stem", "branch", "map", or "cross" for targets.

  • data: hash of the output data.

  • command: hash of the target's deparsed command.

  • depend: hash of the immediate upstream dependencies of the target.

  • seed: random number generator seed with which the target was built.

  • path: A list column of paths to target data. Usually, each element is a single path, but there could be multiple paths per target for dynamic files (i.e. tar_target(format = "file")).

  • bytes: total file size in bytes of all files in path.

  • time: maximum modification time stamp over all the files in path.

  • format: character, one of the admissible data storage formats. See the format argument in the tar_target() help file for details.

  • iteration: character, either "list" or "vector" to describe the iteration and aggregation mode of the target. See the iteration argument in the tar_target() help file for details.

  • parent: for branches, name of the parent pattern.

  • children: list column, names of the children of targets that have them. These include buds of stems and branches of patterns.

  • seconds: number of seconds it took to run the target.

  • warnings: character string of warning messages from the last run of the target.

  • error: character string of the error message if the target errored.


A data frame with one row per target/object and the selected fields.


Run this code
    tar_target(x, seq_len(2)),
    tar_target(y, 2 * x, pattern = map(x))
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab