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taxize (version

downstream: Retrieve the downstream taxa for a given taxon name or ID.


This function uses a while loop to continually collect children taxa down to the taxonomic rank that you specify in the downto parameter. You can get data from ITIS (itis), GBIF (gbif), NCBI (ncbi), WORMS (worms), or BOLD (bold). There is no method exposed by these four services for getting taxa at a specific taxonomic rank, so we do it ourselves here.



# S3 method for default downstream( sci_id, db = NULL, downto = NULL, intermediate = FALSE, rows = NA, x = NULL, ... )

# S3 method for tsn downstream(sci_id, db = NULL, downto = NULL, intermediate = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for gbifid downstream( sci_id, db = NULL, downto = NULL, intermediate = FALSE, limit = 100, start = NULL, ... )

# S3 method for uid downstream(sci_id, db = NULL, downto = NULL, intermediate = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for wormsid downstream(sci_id, db = NULL, downto = NULL, intermediate = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for boldid downstream(sci_id, db = NULL, downto = NULL, intermediate = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for ids downstream(sci_id, db = NULL, downto = NULL, intermediate = FALSE, ...)


A named list of data.frames with the downstream names of every supplied taxa. You get an NA if there was no match in the database.



Further args passed on to itis_downstream(), gbif_downstream(), ncbi_downstream(), worms_downstream(), or bold_downstream()


Vector of taxa names (character) or IDs (character or numeric) to query.


character; database to query. One or more of itis, gbif, ncbi, worms, or bold. Note that each taxonomic data source has their own identifiers, so that if you provide the wrong db value for the identifier you could get a result, but it will likely be wrong (not what you were expecting). If using ncbi, we recommend getting an API key; see taxize-authentication


What taxonomic rank to go down to. One of: 'superkingdom', 'kingdom', 'subkingdom','infrakingdom','phylum','division','subphylum', 'subdivision','infradivision', 'superclass','class','subclass','infraclass', 'superorder','order','suborder','infraorder','superfamily','family', 'subfamily','tribe','subtribe','genus','subgenus','section','subsection', 'species group','species','subspecies','variety','form','subvariety','race', 'stirp', 'morph','aberration','subform', 'unspecified', 'no rank'


(logical) If TRUE, return a list of length two with target taxon rank names, with additional list of data.frame's of intermediate taxonomic groups. Default: FALSE


(numeric) Any number from 1 to infinity. If the default NA, all rows are considered. Note that this parameter is ignored if you pass in a taxonomic id of any of the acceptable classes: tsn.


Deprecated, see sci_id


Number of records to return. Applies to gbif only. default: 100. max: 1000. use in combination with the start parameter


Record number to start at. Applies to gbif only. default: 0. use in combination with the limit parameter


See taxize-authentication for help on authentication


BEWARE: db="bold" scrapes the BOLD website, so may be unstable. That is, one day it may work, and the next it may fail. Open an issue if you encounter an error: https://github.com/ropensci/taxize/issues


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
# Plug in taxon IDs
downstream(125732, db = 'worms', downto = 'species')
downstream(3451, db = 'bold', downto = 'species')

if (interactive()) {

# Plug in taxon names
downstream("Apis", db = 'ncbi', downto = 'species')
downstream("Apis", db = 'itis', downto = 'species')
downstream("Apis", db = 'bold', downto = 'species')
downstream("Gadus", db = 'worms', downto = 'species')
downstream(c("Apis","Epeoloides"), db = 'itis', downto = 'species')
downstream("Ursus", db = 'gbif', downto = 'species')
downstream(get_gbifid("Ursus"), db = 'gbif', downto = 'species')

# Many taxa
sp <- names_list("genus", 3)
downstream(sp, db = 'itis', downto = 'species')
downstream(sp, db = 'gbif', downto = 'species')

# Both data sources
ids <- get_ids("Apis", db = c('gbif','itis'))
downstream(ids, downto = 'species')
## same result
downstream(get_ids("Apis", db = c('gbif','itis')), downto = 'species')

# Collect intermediate names
## itis
downstream('Bangiophyceae', db="itis", downto="genus")
downstream('Bangiophyceae', db="itis", downto="genus", intermediate=TRUE)
downstream(get_tsn('Bangiophyceae'), downto="genus")
downstream(get_tsn('Bangiophyceae'), downto="genus", intermediate=TRUE)

# Use the rows parameter
## note how in the second function call you don't get the prompt
downstream("Poa", db = 'gbif', downto="species")
downstream("Poa", db = 'gbif', downto="species", rows=1)

# use curl options
res <- downstream("Apis", db = 'gbif', downto = 'species', verbose = TRUE)

# Pagination
# GBIF limits queries to a maximum of 1000 records per request, so if
# there's more than 1000, use the start parameter
# Piper, taxonKey = 3075433
z1 <- downstream(3075433, db = 'gbif', downto = "species", limit=1000)
z2 <- downstream(3075433, db = 'gbif', downto = "species", limit=1000,
z3 <- downstream(3075433, db = 'gbif', downto = "species", limit=1000,
z4 <- downstream(3075433, db = 'gbif', downto = "species", limit=1000,
NROW(rbind(z1[[1]], z2[[1]], z3[[1]], z4[[1]]))

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