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taxize (version 0.9.4)

class2tree: Convert a list of classifications to a tree.


This function converts a list of hierarchies for individual species into a single species by taxonomic level matrix, then calculates a distance matrix based on taxonomy alone, and outputs either a phylo or dist object. See details for more information.


class2tree(input, varstep = TRUE, check = TRUE, ...)

# S3 method for classtree plot(x, ...)

# S3 method for classtree print(x, ...)



List of classification data.frame's from the function classification


Vary step lengths between successive levels relative to proportional loss of the number of distinct classes.


If TRUE, remove all redundant levels which are different for all rows or constant for all rows and regard each row as a different basal taxon (species). If FALSE all levels are retained and basal taxa (species) also must be coded as variables (columns). You will get a warning if species are not coded, but you can ignore this if that was your intention.


Further arguments passed on to hclust.


Input object to print or plot - output from class2tree function.


An object of class "classtree" with slots:

  • phylo - The resulting object, a phylo object

  • classification - The classification data.frame, with taxa as rows, and different classification levels as columns

  • distmat - Distance matrix

  • names - The names of the tips of the phylogeny

Note that when you execute the resulting object, you only get the phylo object. You can get to the other 3 slots by calling them directly, like output$names, etc.


See taxa2dist. Thanks to Jari Oksanen for making the taxa2dist function and pointing it out, and Clarke & Warwick (1998, 2001), which taxa2dist was based on.


Run this code
spnames <- c('Quercus robur', 'Iris oratoria', 'Arachis paraguariensis',
 'Helianthus annuus','Madia elegans','Lupinus albicaulis',
 'Pinus lambertiana')
out <- classification(spnames, db='itis')
tr <- class2tree(out)

spnames <- c('Klattia flava', 'Trollius sibiricus', 'Arachis paraguariensis',
 'Tanacetum boreale', 'Gentiana yakushimensis','Sesamum schinzianum',
 'Pilea verrucosa','Tibouchina striphnocalyx','Lycium dasystemum',
 'Berkheya echinacea','Androcymbium villosum',
 'Helianthus annuus','Madia elegans','Lupinus albicaulis',
 'Pinus lambertiana')
out <- classification(spnames, db='ncbi')
tr <- class2tree(out)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab