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taxize (version 0.9.4)

col_children: Search Catalogue of Life for for direct children of a particular taxon.


Search Catalogue of Life for for direct children of a particular taxon.


col_children(name = NULL, id = NULL, format = NULL, start = NULL,
  checklist = NULL, ...)



The string to search for. Only exact matches found the name given will be returned, unless one or wildcards are included in the search string. An * (asterisk) character denotes a wildcard; a character may also be used. The name must be at least 3 characters long, not counting wildcard characters.


The record ID of the specific record to return (only for scientific names of species or infraspecific taxa)


format of the results returned. Valid values are format=xml and format=php; if the format parameter is omitted, the results are returned in the default XML format. If format=php then results are returned as a PHP array in serialized string format, which can be converted back to an array in PHP using the unserialize command


The first record to return. If omitted, the results are returned from the first record (start=0). This is useful if the total number of results is larger than the maximum number of results returned by a single Web service query (currently the maximum number of results returned by a single query is 500 for terse queries and 50 for full queries).


The year of the checklist to query, if you want a specific year's checklist instead of the lastest as default (numeric).


Curl options passed on to GET


A list of data.frame's.


You must provide one of name or id. The other parameters (format and start) are optional.


Run this code
# A basic example

# An example where there is no classification, results in data.frame with
# no rows

# Use a specific year's checklist
col_children(name="Apis", checklist=2012)
col_children(name="Apis", checklist=2009)

# Pass in many names or many id's
out <- col_children(name=c("Buteo","Apis","Accipiter","asdf"),
  checklist = "2012")
out$Apis # get just the output you want
ldply(out) # or combine to one data.frame

# or pass many id's
ids <- c('abe977b1d27007a76dd12a5c93a637bf',
out <- col_children(id = ids, checklist=2012)
ldply(out) # combine to one data.frame
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab