For the generation of a artifical TCR repertoire user need to provide two objects: the list with segments and the list with probabilities.
List with segments is a list of 5 elements with 5 names: "TRAV", "TRAJ", "TRBV", "TRBD", "TRBJ". Each element is a data frame with following columns
(order is matters!): "V.allelles" with names for V-segments (for TRAV and TRBV; for others is "J.allelles" or "D.allelles"), "CDR3.position" (the function doesn't use it, but you
should provide it, fill it with zeros, for example), "Full.nucleotide.sequence" (the function doesn't use it), "Nucleotide.sequence" (function uses it for getting nucleotide
sequences of segments) and "Nucleotide.sequence.P" (the function doesn't use it).
List with probabilities is quite complicated, so just call data(beta.prob)
for beta chain probabilities (alpha chain probabilities will be added soon).