Data frame with immune receptor repertoire data. Each row in this data frame corresponds to a clonotype.
The data frame has following columns:
- "Umi.count" - number of barcodes (events, UMIs);
- "Umi.proportion" - proportion of barcodes (events, UMIs);
- "Read.count" - number of reads;
- "Read.proportion" - proportion of reads;
- "CDR3.nucleotide.sequence" - CDR3 nucleotide sequence;
- "CDR3.amino.acid.sequence" - CDR3 amino acid sequence;
- "V.gene" - names of aligned Variable gene segments;
- "J.gene" - names of aligned Joining gene segments;
- "D.gene" - names of aligned Diversity gene segments;
- "V.end" - last positions of aligned V gene segments (1-based);
- "J.start" - first positions of aligned J gene segments (1-based);
- "D5.end" - positions of D'5 end of aligned D gene segments (1-based);
- "D3.end" - positions of D'3 end of aligned D gene segments (1-based);
- "VD.insertions" - number of inserted nucleotides (N-nucleotides) at V-D junction (-1 for receptors with VJ recombination);
- "DJ.insertions" - number of inserted nucleotides (N-nucleotides) at D-J junction (-1 for receptors with VJ recombination);
- "Total.insertions" - total number of inserted nucleotides (number of N-nucleotides at V-J junction for receptors with VJ recombination).