Learn R Programming

tcR (version 2.3.2)

group.clonotypes: Get all unique clonotypes.


Get all unique clonotypes with merged counts. Unique clonotypes are those with either equal CDR3 sequence or with equal CDR3 sequence and equal gene segments. Counts of equal clonotypes will be summed up.


  .gene.col = "V.gene",
  .count.col = "Read.count",
  .prop.col = "Read.proportion",
  .seq.col = "CDR3.amino.acid.sequence"



Either tcR data frame or a list with data frames.


Either name of the column with gene segments used to compare clonotypes or NA if you don't need comparing using gene segments.


Name of the column with counts for each clonotype.


Name of the column with proportions for each clonotype.


Name of the column with clonotypes' CDR3 sequences.


Data frame or a list with data frames with updated counts and proportion columns and rows with unique clonotypes only.


Run this code
tmp <- data.frame(A = c('a','a','b','c', 'a')
B = c('V1', 'V1','V1','V2', 'V3')
C = c(10,20,30,40,50), stringsAsFactors = F)
#   A  B  C
# 1 a V1 10
# 2 a V1 20
# 3 b V1 30
# 4 c V2 40
# 5 a V3 50
group.clonotypes(tmp, 'B', 'C', 'A')
#  A  B  C
#  1 a V1 30
#  3 b V1 50
#  4 c V2 30
#  5 a V3 40
group.clonotypes(tmp, NA, 'C', 'A')
#   A  B  C
# 1 a V1 80
# 3 b V1 30
# 4 c V2 40
# For tcR data frame:
twb1.gr <- group.clonotypes(twb[[1]])
twb.gr <- group.clonotypes(twb)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab