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tcR (version 2.3.2)

parse.cloneset: Parse input table files with the immune receptor repertoire data.


General parser for cloneset table files. Each column name has specific purpose (e.g., column for CDR3 nucleotide sequence or aligned gene segments), so you need to supply column names which has this purpose in your input data.


  .skip = 0,
  .sep = "\t"



Path to the input file with cloneset data.


Name of the column with CDR3 nucleotide sequences.


Name of the column with CDR3 amino acid sequences.


Name of the column with counts of reads for each clonotype.


Name of the column with counts of barcodes (UMI, events) for each clonotype.


Name of the column with names of aligned Variable gene segments.


Name of the column with names of aligned Joining gene segments.


Name of the column with names of aligned Diversity gene segments.


Name of the column with last positions of aligned V gene segments.


Name of the column with first positions of aligned J gene segments.


Character vector of length two that names columns with D5' and D3' end positions.


Name of the column with VD insertions for each clonotype.


Name of the column with DJ insertions for each clonotype.


Name of the column with total number of insertions for each clonotype.


How many lines from beginning to skip.


Separator character.


Data frame with immune receptor repertoire data. See parse.file for more details.

See Also



Run this code
# Parse file in "~/mitcr/immdata1.txt" as a MiTCR file.
immdata1 <- parse.file("~/mitcr/immdata1.txt", 'mitcr')
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab