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tcR (version 2.3.2)

repDiversity: General function for the repertoire diversity estimation.


General interface to all cloneset diversity functions.


  .method = c("chao1", "gini.simp", "inv.simp", "gini", "div", "entropy"),
  .quant = c("read.count", "umi.count", "read.prop", "umi.prop"),
  .q = 5,
  .norm = F,
  .do.norm = NA,
  .laplace = 0



Cloneset or a list of clonesets.


Which method to use for the diversity estimation. See "Details" for methods.


Which column to use for the quantity of clonotypes: "read.count" for the "Read.count" column, "umi.count" for the "Umi.count" column, "read.prop" for the "Read.proportion" column, "umi.prop" for the "Umi.proportion" column.


q-parameter for the Diversity index.


If T than compute the normsalised entropy.


One of the three values - NA, T or F. If NA than check for distrubution (sum(.data) == 1) and normalise it with the given laplace correction value if needed. if T then do normalisation and laplace correction. If F than don't do normalisaton and laplace correction.


Value for Laplace correction.


You can see a more detailed description for each diversity method at diversity.

Parameter .method can have one of the following value each corresponding to the specific method:

- "div" for the true diversity, or the effective number of types (basic function diversity).

- "inv.simp" for the inverse Simpson index (basic function inverse.simpson).

- "gini" for the Gini coefficient (basic function gini).

- "gini.simp" for the Gini-Simpson index (basic function gini.simpson).

- "chao1" for the Chao1 estimator (basic function chao1).

- "entropy" for the Shannon entropy measure (basic function entropy).

See Also

diversity, entropy


Run this code
twb.div <- repDiversity(twb, "chao1", "read.count")
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab