Load the immune receptor repertoire data from the given input: either a file name, a list of file names, a name of the folder with repertoire files,
or a list of folders with repertoire files. The folder / folders must contain only files with the specified format.
Input files could be either text files or archived with gzip ("filename.txt.gz") or bzip2 ("filename.txt.bz2").
For a general parser of table files with cloneset data see parse.cloneset
Parsers are available for:
MiTCR ("mitcr"), MiTCR w/ UMIs ("mitcrbc"), MiGEC ("migec"), VDJtools ("vdjtools"),
ImmunoSEQ ("immunoseq" or 'immunoseq2' for old and new formats respectively),
MiXCR ("mixcr"), IMSEQ ("imseq") and tcR ("tcr", data frames saved with the `repSave()` function).
Output of MiXCR should contain either all hits or best hits for each gene segment.
Output of IMSEQ should be generated with parameter "-on". In this case there will be no positions of aligned gene segments in the output data frame
due to restrictions of IMSEQ output.
tcR's data frames should be saved with the `repSave()` function.
For details on the tcR data frame format see parse.file.