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tcR (version 2.3.2)

vis.shared.clonotypes: Visualisation of shared clonotypes occurrences among repertoires.


Visualise counts or proportions of shared clonotypes among repertoires. Code adapted from https://www.r-bloggers.com/ggplot2-cheatsheet-for-visualizing-distributions/.


  .x.rep = NA,
  .y.rep = NA,
  .title = NA,
  .ncol = 3,
  .point.size.modif = 1,
  .cut.axes = T,
  .density = T,
  .lm = T,
  .radj.size = 3.5,
  .plot = T



Shared repertoires, as from shared.repertoire function.


Which repertoire show on x-axis. Either a name or an index of a repertoire in the .shared.rep or NA to choose all repertoires.


Which repertoire show on y-axis. Either a name or an index of a repertoire in the .shared.rep or NA to choose all repertoires.


Main title of the plot.


Number of columns in the resulting plot.


Modify this to correct sizes of points.


If T than cut axes' limits to show only frequencies that exists.


If T than plot densities of shared and unique clonotypes.


If T than fit and plot a linear model to shared clonotypes.


Size of the text for R^2-adjusted.


If F than return grobs instead of plotting.


ggplot2 object or plot

See Also



Run this code
# Show shared nucleotide clonotypes of all possible pairs
# using the Read.proportion column
twb.sh <- shared.repertoire(twb, "n0rp")
vis.shared.clonotypes(twb.sh, .ncol = 4)

# Show shared amino acid + Vseg clonotypes of pairs
# including the Subj.A (the first one) using
# the Read.count column.
twb.sh <- shared.repertoire(twb, "avrc")
vis.shared.clonotypes(twb.sh, 1, NA, .ncol = 4)
# same, just another order of axis
vis.shared.clonotypes(twb.sh, NA, 1, .ncol = 4)

# Show shared nucleotide clonotypes of Subj.A (the first one)
# Subj.B (the second one) using the Read.proportion column.
twb.sh <- shared.repertoire(twb, "n0rp")
vis.shared.clonotypes(twb.sh, 1, 2)

# Show the same plot, but with much larget points.
vis.shared.clonotypes(twb.sh, 1, 2, .point.size.modif = 3)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab