## Not run:
# ## These cannot be run by examples() but should be OK when pasted
# ## into an interactive R session with the tcltk package loaded
# tt <- tktoplevel()
# # A label with a image and some text
# file <- system.file("gui", "SciViews.gif", package = "tcltk2")
# # Make this a tk2image function...
# Image <- tclVar()
# tkimage.create("photo", Image, file = file)
# tlabel <- tk2label(tt, image = Image,
# text = "A label with an image")
# tkpack(tlabel)
# config(tlabel, compound = "left")
# tlabel2 <- tk2label(tt, text = "A disabled label")
# tkpack(tlabel2)
# disabled(tlabel2) <- TRUE
# fruits <- c("Apple", "Orange", "Banana")
# tcombo <- tk2combobox(tt, values = fruits)
# tkpack(tcombo)
# tkinsert(tcombo, 0, "Apple")
# ## Buttons
# tbut <- tk2button(tt, text = "Enabled")
# tbut2 <- tk2button(tt, text = "Disabled")
# tkpack(tbut, tbut2)
# tkconfigure(tbut2, state = "disabled")
# tcheck <- tk2checkbutton(tt, text = "Some checkbox")
# tcheck2 <- tk2checkbutton(tt, text = "Disabled checkbox")
# tkconfigure(tcheck2, state = "disabled")
# tcheck3 <- tk2checkbutton(tt, text = "Disabled and selected")
# tkpack(tcheck, tcheck2, tcheck3)
# cbValue <- tclVar("1")
# tkconfigure(tcheck3, variable=cbValue)
# tkconfigure(tcheck3, state = "disabled")
# tradio <- tk2radiobutton(tt, text = "Some radiobutton")
# tradio2 <- tk2radiobutton(tt, text = "Disabled and checked")
# tkpack(tradio, tradio2)
# tkconfigure(tradio2, state = "checked")
# tkconfigure(tradio2, state = "disabled")
# ## Menu allowing to change ttk theme
# topMenu <- tkmenu(tt) # Create a menu
# tkconfigure(tt, menu = topMenu) # Add it to the 'tt' window
# themes <- tk2theme.list()
# themeMenu <- tkmenu(topMenu, tearoff = FALSE)
# if ("alt" %in% themes) tkadd(themeMenu, "command", label = "alt",
# command = function() tk2theme("alt"))
# if ("aqua" %in% themes) tkadd(themeMenu, "command", label = "aqua",
# command = function() tk2theme("aqua"))
# if ("clam" %in% themes) tkadd(themeMenu, "command", label = "clam",
# command = function() tk2theme("clam"))
# tkadd(themeMenu, "command", label = "clearlooks",
# command = function() tk2theme("clearlooks"))
# if ("classic" %in% themes) tkadd(themeMenu, "command", label = "classic",
# command = function() tk2theme("classic"))
# if ("default" %in% themes) tkadd(themeMenu, "command", label = "default",
# command = function() tk2theme("default"))
# tkadd(themeMenu, "command", label = "keramik",
# command = function() tk2theme("keramik"))
# tkadd(themeMenu, "command", label = "plastik",
# command = function() tk2theme("plastik"))
# tkadd(themeMenu, "command", label = "radiance (fonts change too)!",
# command = function() tk2theme("radiance"))
# if ("vista" %in% themes) tkadd(themeMenu, "command", label = "vista",
# command = function() tk2theme("vista"))
# if ("winnative" %in% themes) tkadd(themeMenu, "command", label = "winnative",
# command = function() tk2theme("winnative"))
# if ("xpnative" %in% themes) tkadd(themeMenu, "command", label = "xpnative",
# command = function() tk2theme("xpnative"))
# tkadd(themeMenu, "separator")
# tkadd(themeMenu, "command", label = "Quit", command = function() tkdestroy(tt))
# tkadd(topMenu, "cascade", label = "Theme", menu = themeMenu)
# tkfocus(tt)
# ## End(Not run)
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab