## These cannot be run by examples() but should be OK when pasted
## into an interactive R session with the tcltk package loaded
## Examples of DDE - Windows only
### Examples using wish ###
## Start a Wish84 console side-by-side with R.
## (to get wish, you need to install ActiveTcl from
## http://www.activestate.com/Products/ActiveTcl/)
## Once it is done, start 'Wish84' from the start menu)
## Register the Wish console as a DDE server, that is, type in it
## (% is the Tcl prompt, don't type it!):
## % package require dde
## % dde servername wish
### In R:
tk2dde("R") # Return 0 if succeed
## Evaluate some string in wish
tk2dde.exec("TclEval", "wish", "{puts {Hello World!}}")
## Give a value to a variable in wish
tk2dde.poke("TclEval", "wish", "myvar", "{This is a string!}")
## Note that you must surround strings with curly braces in Tcl!
tk2dde.poke("TclEval", "wish", "mynumvar", c(34.56, 78.9))
## In wish, check that vars exist and have correct value
## % puts $myvar
## % puts $mynumvar
## Get the value of one variable from wish into R
tk2dde.request("TclEval", "wish", "myvar")
tk2dde.request("TclEval", "wish", "mynumvar")
## Note that you don't know here if it is a string, a number, or so...
## You have to know and convert yourself!
## Now, the other way: execute a R function from wish
## You first need to register a R function for callback
## (For the moment, only functions without arguments are supported!)
doDDE <- function() cat("DDE execute!\n") # A simple function
## And in wish
## % dde execute TclEval R doDDE
## Once you have defined a variable using tclVar, you can get or change it
## from the dde server. However, tclVar gives cryptic names like ::RTcl1.
## So we prefer to use tclVarName
myvar2 <- tclVarName("myvar2", "this is a test...")
tclvalue(myvar2) # This is the way we access to this variable in R
## In wish you get the value and change it:
## % dde request TclEval R myvar2
## Again, dde poke does not work and must be replaced by an execute command
## This doesn't work (???)
## % dde poke TclEval R myvar2 {yes! and it works...}
## ... but this is fine
## % dde execute TclEval R {set myvar2 {yes! and it works...}}
## And in R...
### DDE at the command line with execdde.exe ###
## You can also change the value of a variable, or run a command in R from
## the command line using execdde.exe:
## - Download execdde.exe from http://www.sciviews.org/SciViews-R/execdde.zip
## - Unzip it and copy 'execdde.exe' somewhere in your path,
## - Start a DOS window
## - Enter the following commands ('>' is the prompt, don't type it):
## > execdde -s TclEval -t R -c doDDE > NUL
## > if errorlevel 1 echo An error occurs... branch accordingly in your batch!
## > execdde -s TclEval -t R -c "set myvar2 {ok from execdde!}" > NUL
## And in R:
## Note: thanks to separate event loops, it works also when R calculates...
### Other examples of DDE use:
### Manipulating Microsoft Excel ###
## Start Excel with a blank workbook, then...
## Change values in Excel from R:
tk2dde.poke("Excel", "Sheet1", "R1C1:R2C1", c("5.7", "6.34")) # Some data
tk2dde.poke("Excel", "Sheet1", "R3C1", "= A1 + A2") # A formula
## Read values in Excel (note that results of formulas are returned)
Res <- tk2dde.request("Excel", "Sheet1", "R1C1:R3C1")
## Execute a command in Excel
tk2dde.exec("Excel", "Sheet1", "{\[\Select(\"R1C1:R3C1\")]\[New(2,2)\]}")
## New(2,2) create a bar graph in a separate sheet
## Note: close this graph now, in order to run the rest properly!
## R as server and Excel as client
## Prepare R as server
tk2dde("R") # Now, my server name is TclEval|R !
## Create a variable that will be shared with Excel
XlVar <- tclVarName("XlVar", "this is a test!")
## Enter a formula somewhere in Excel to link to this variable
tk2dde.poke("Excel", "Sheet1", "R5C1", "=TclEval|R!'::XlVar'")
## Now, change the content in XlVar
tclvalue(XlVar) <- "Another text..."
## Rem: in my Excel, the content of the cell is not changed automatically...
## I must reenter the formula for the changes to be considered!?
### Manipulating Microsoft Word ###
## Start Word and then...
tk2dde.exec("Winword", "System", "{\[EndOfDocument\]}")
tk2dde.exec("Winword", "System", "{\[Insert \"Text from R.\"\]}", async = TRUE)
## Can also use:
## AppMaximize 1
## StatOfDocument
## EditFind .Find="hello" .PatternMatch=1
## FileExit 2
## FileClose 2 # 2 = close without saving, 1 = save first, 0 = prompt
## If you want to start the program if not running, you must take care that
## you leave enough time to the program to initialize before you can use DDE
## commands with it! Here is an example (make sure that Word is not running):
is.WordStarted <- function()
(length(tk2dde.services("Winword", "System")) > 0)
if (!is.WordStarted()) {
## Get the path to WinWord.exe
Word <- try(tk2reg.get(paste("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", "SOFTWARE", "Classes",
"WordDocument", "protocol", "StdFileEditing", "server", sep = "\"), ""))
if (is.na(Word)) {
cat("Microsoft Word is not found!\n")
} else { # Start Microsoft Word and wait for its complete loading
## Start Word
system(Word, wait = FALSE)
## Wait a maximum of 15 sec...
for (i in 1:15) {
Sys.sleep(1) # Wait 1 sec
res <- is.WordStarted()
if (res) break
if (res) cat("Now Word is started and ready to get DDE commands!\n")
tk2dde.exec("Winword", "System", "{\[Insert \"My text from R.\"\]}",
async = TRUE)
### Control Matlab ###
## Start Matlab and then...
tk2dde.exec("Matlab", "Engine", "s = ones(5);")
## Then in Matlab, type s
### Manipulating Progman to create and delete shortcuts ###
tk2dde.exec("progman", "progman", "{\[CreateGroup(Bogus)\]}")
tk2dde.exec("progman", "progman", "{\[AddItem(notepad.exe,BogusPadLink)\]}")
tk2dde.exec("progman", "progman", "{\[ShowGroup(Bogus,0)\]}")
tk2dde.exec("progman", "progman", "{\[ShowGroup(Bogus,1)\]}")
## And delete it...
tk2dde.exec("progman", "progman", "{\[DeleteItem(BogusPadLink)\]}")
tk2dde.exec("progman", "progman", "{\[DeleteGroup(Bogus)\]}")
## Rem: the same can be done with tcom, if installed:
##.Tcl("package require tcom")
##.Tcl("set sh [::tcom::ref createobject {WScript.Shell}]")
##.Tcl("set lnk [$sh CreateShortcut {c:\\temp\\boguspad.lnk}]")
##.Tcl("$lnk TargetPath {\"notepad.exe\"}")
##.Tcl("$lnk WorkingDirectory {c:\\temp}")
##.Tcl("$lnk Arguments Tutorial.txt")
##.Tcl("$lnk Save")
### Controlling Internet Explorer ###
## Start Internet Explorer, then...
tk2dde.exec("iexplore", "WWW_OpenURL", "{http://www.r-project.org/}")
## It works, but return an error in R???
## This is similar to the browseURL() in package util (just for the demo!)
HelpIndex <- file.path(R.home(), "doc", "html", "index.html")
tk2dde.exec("iexplore", "WWW_ShowFile", paste("{", HelpIndex, "}", sep = ""))
## Info on the current opened window
tk2dde.request("iexplore", "WWW_GetWindowInfo", "1")
### Controlling Windows explorer ###
tk2dde.exec("Folders", "AppProperties",
## ... or you can also try 'ExplodeFolder'
## Search in folder
tk2dde.exec("Folders", "AppProperties", "{\[FindFolder(\"\",\"C:\\")\]}")
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab