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tclust (version 2.1-0)

wholesale: Wholesale customers dataset


The data set refers to clients of a wholesale distributor. It includes the annual spending in monetary units on diverse product categories.





A data frame containing 440 observations in 8 variables (6 numerical and two categorical). The variables are as follows:

  • Region Customers' Region - Lisbon (coded as 1), Porto (coded as 2) or Other (coded as 3)

  • Fresh Annual spending on fresh products

  • Milk Annual spending on milk products

  • Grocery Annual spending on grocery products

  • Frozen Annual spending on frozen products

  • Detergents Annual spending on detergents and paper products

  • Delicatessen Annual spending on and delicatessen products

  • Channel Customers' Channel - Horeca (Hotel/Restaurant/Café) or Retail channel. Horeca is coded as 1 and Retail channel is coded as 2


Run this code
#--- EXAMPLE 1 ------------------------------------------ 
data (wholesale) 
x <- wholesale[, -c(1, ncol(wholesale))] 
clus <- tclust(x, k=3, alpha=0.1, nstart=200, niter1=3, niter2=17, 
   nkeep=10, opt="HARD", equal.weights=FALSE, restr.fact=50, trace=TRUE) 
 plot (x, col=clus$cluster+1)

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