Nominal variables have been removed and rows with missing values recorded on the remaining variables have also been removed.
This data frame contains 203 rows (observations) and 13 columns (variables):
1.) ckdclass: There are 2 classes, ckd or notckd
2.) age: in years
3.) blood.pressure: in mm/Hg
4.) blood.glucose.random: in mgs/dl
5.) blood.urea: in mgs/dl
6.) serum.creatinine: in mgs/dl
7.) sodium: in mEq/L
8.) potassium: in mEq/L
9.) hemoglobin: in gms
10.) packed.cell.volume
11.) white.blood.cell.count: in cells/cmm
12.) red.blood.cell.count: in cells/cmm
Lichman, M. (2013). UCI Machine Learning Repository []. Irvine, CA: University of California, School of Information and Computer Science.