# one indicator, no intercept
mod1 <- td(sales.a ~ 0 + exports.q)
summary(mod1) # summary statistics
plot(mod1) # residual plot of regression
# interpolated quarterly series
# temporally aggregated series is equal to the annual value
ta(predict(mod1), conversion = "sum", to = "annual"),
start = 1975), sales.a)
# several indicators, including an intercept
mod2 <- td(sales.a ~ imports.q + exports.q)
# no indicator (Denton-Cholette)
mod3 <- td(sales.a ~ 1, to = "quarterly", method = "denton-cholette")
# no indicator (uniform)
mod4 <- td(sales.a ~ 1, to = "quarterly", method = "uniform")
# Dynamic Chow-Lin (Santos Silva and Cardoso, 2001)
# (no truncation parameter added, because rho = 0)
mod5 <- td(sales.a ~ exports.q, method = "dynamic-maxlog")
# Example from Denton (1971), see references.
d.q <- ts(rep(c(50, 100, 150, 100), 5), frequency = 4)
d.a <- ts(c(500, 400, 300, 400, 500))
a1 <- predict(td(d.a ~ 0 + d.q, method = "denton",
criterion = "additive", h = 0))
a2 <- predict(td(d.a ~ 0 + d.q, method = "denton",
criterion = "additive", h = 1))
a3 <- predict(td(d.a ~ 0 + d.q, method = "denton",
criterion = "additive", h = 2))
a4 <- predict(td(d.a ~ 0 + d.q, method = "denton",
criterion = "additive", h = 3))
p1 <- predict(td(d.a ~ 0 + d.q, method = "denton",
criterion = "proportional", h = 0))
p2 <- predict(td(d.a ~ 0 + d.q, method = "denton",
criterion = "proportional", h = 1))
p3 <- predict(td(d.a ~ 0 + d.q, method = "denton",
criterion = "proportional", h = 2))
p4 <- predict(td(d.a ~ 0 + d.q, method = "denton",
criterion = "proportional", h = 3))
# Table in Denton (1971), page 101:
round(cbind(d.q, a1, a2, a3, a4, p1, p2, p3, p4))
if (FALSE) {
# Using altvernative time series classes (see
sales.a.xts <- ts_xts(window(sales.a, start = 2000))
exports.q.xts <- ts_xts(window(exports.q, start = 2000))
mod1b <- td(sales.a.xts ~ 0 + exports.q.xts)
predict(mod1b) # class 'xts'
# non-standard frequencies: decades to years
predict(td(ts_xts(uspop) ~ 1, "mean", to = "year", method = "fast"))
# quarter to daily (no indicator)
m.d.noind <- td(gdp.q ~ 1, to = "daily", method = "fast")
# quarter to daily (one indicator)
m.d.stocks <- td(gdp.q ~ spi.d, method = "chow-lin-fixed", fixed.rho = 0.9)
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