Default parameter descriptions which may be overridden in individual functions.
These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.
The object.
A string specifying the name of the parameter.
A string specifying the level of the validation. The possible values in order of increasing strictness are 'class', 'valid', 'consistent' and 'complete'.
A flag specifying whether to repair terms.
A flag specifying whether to normalize terms.
A character vector of the names of the parameters to include in the subsetted object.
A character vector of the new parameter names.
A character vector of parameter names.
A flag specifying whether to by default return all parameters (NULL), or only scalar parameters (TRUE) or only non-scalar parameters (FALSE).
A flag specifying whether to return the parameter name for each term element.
A flag is a non-missing logical scalar.
A string is a non-missing character scalar.