Validates the elements of a term or term_rcrd vector.
vld_term(x, validate = "complete")
vld_term_rcrd(x, validate = "complete")
A flag indicating whether the condition was met.
The object.
A string specifying the level of the validation.
The possible values in order of increasing strictness
are 'class', 'valid', 'consistent' and 'complete'.
vld_term_rcrd(): Validate Term Record
Internal validity of a term can be checked on three levels:
"valid" checks that all terms are of the form
x, x[#], x[#,#] etc. where x is an identifier
and # are positive integers.
"consistent" checks that all terms are addressed
with the same dimensionality; the terms x[1] and x[2,3]
are inconsistent.
"complete" checks that the values span all possible values
across all dimensions; if x[3,4] exist, the vector must
contain at least 11 more terms to be consistent
(x[1,1] to x[1,4], x[2,1] to x[2,4] and
x[3,1] to x[3,3]).
Missing values are ignored as are duplicates and order.