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terra (version 1.1-4)

area: Area and perimeter


Compute the area of polygons or for raster cells that are not NA. Computing the surface area of raster cells is particularly relevant for longitude/latitude rasters, as the size of the cells is constant in degrees, but not in meters. But it can also be very important with raster data if the coordinate reference system us not equal-area. In that case, you can use the correct=TRUE option.

For vector data, the best way to compute area is to use the longitude/latitude crs if that is what the data come in. This is contrary to (erroneous) popular belief that suggest that you should use a planar crs.

The perimeter method works only on SpatVector objects, and computes the length of lines or the perimeter of polygons.


# S4 method for SpatRaster
area(x, sum=TRUE, correct=FALSE, filename="", ...)

# S4 method for SpatVector area(x)

# S4 method for SpatVector perimeter(x)



SpatRaster or SpatVector


logical. If TRUE the summed area of the cells that are not NA is returned. Otherwise, a SpatRaster with the area for each cell is returned


logical. If TRUE, the area is not computed based on the linear units of the coordinate reference system, but on the *actual* area, correcting for distortion. This may be considerably slower. Only relevant for planar coordinate references, not for lon/lat data


character. Output filename


additional arguments for writing files as in writeRaster


area or perimeter in m2


Run this code
### SpatRaster 
r <- rast(nrow=18, ncol=36)
v <- 1:ncell(r)
v[200:400] <- NA
values(r) <- v

# area for each raster cell
a <- area(r, sum=FALSE)

# summed area in km2
area(r) / 1000000

## you can use mask to remove the cells in r that are NA
## and compute the global sum to get the same result
am <- mask(a, r)
global(am, "sum", na.rm=TRUE) / 1000000

# effect of "correct" (commented out as this does not work with old GDAL)
#r <- rast(ncol=90, nrow=45, ymin=-80, ymax=80)
#m <- project(r, "+proj=merc")

#a <- area(m, sum=FALSE, wopt=list(names="naive"))
#b <- area(m, correct=TRUE, sum=FALSE, names="corrected")
#plot(c(a, b)/1000000, nc=1)

### SpatVector
f <- system.file("ex/lux.shp", package="terra")
v <- vect(f)
a <- area(v)

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab