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terra (version 1.4-22)

project: Change the coordinate reference system


Change the coordinate reference system ("project") of a SpatVector or SpatRaster.


# S4 method for SpatVector
project(x, y)

# S4 method for SpatRaster project(x, y, method, mask=FALSE, align=FALSE, filename="", ...)





if (x is a SpatRaster, the prefered approach is for y to be a SpatRaster as well, serving as a template for the geometry (extent and resolution) of the output SpatRaster. Alternatively, you can provide a coordinate reference system (crs) description.

You can use the following formats to define coordinate reference systems: WKT, PROJ.4 (e.g., +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84), or an EPSG code (e.g., "epsg:4326"). But note that the PROJ.4 notation has been deprecated, and you can only use if with the WGS84/NAD83 and NAD27 datums. Other datums are silently ignored.

If x is a SpatVector, you can provide a crs definition as discussed above, or any other object from which such a crs can be extracted with crs


character. Method used for estimating the new cell values of a SpatRaster. One of:

near: nearest neighbor. This method is fast, and it can be the preferred method if the cell values represent classes. It is not a good choice for continuous values. This is used by default if the first layer of x is categorical.

bilinear: bilinear interpolation. This is the default if the first layer of x is numeric (not categorical).

cubic: cubic interpolation.

cubicspline: cubic spline interpolation.


logical. If TRUE, mask out areas outside the input extent (see example with Robinson projection)


logical. If TRUE, and y is a SpatRaster, the template is used for the spatial resolution and origin, but the extent is set such that all of the extent of x is included


character. Output filename


additional arguments for writing files as in writeRaster


SpatVector or SpatRaster

See Also

crs, resample


Run this code
## SpatRaster
a <- rast(ncols=40, nrows=40, xmin=-110, xmax=-90, ymin=40, ymax=60, 
          crs="+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
values(a) <- 1:ncell(a)
newcrs="+proj=lcc +lat_1=48 +lat_2=33 +lon_0=-100 +datum=WGS84"
b <- rast(ncols=94, nrows=124, xmin=-944881, xmax=935118, ymin=4664377, ymax=7144377, crs=newcrs)
w <- project(a, b)

## SpatVector
f <- system.file("ex/lux.shp", package="terra")
v <- vect(f)
crs <- "+proj=moll +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84"
p <- project(v, crs)
# }

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