logo <- rast(system.file("ex/logo.tif", package="terra"))
names(logo) <- c("red", "green", "blue")
p <- matrix(c(48, 48, 48, 53, 50, 46, 54, 70, 84, 85, 74, 84, 95, 85,
66, 42, 26, 4, 19, 17, 7, 14, 26, 29, 39, 45, 51, 56, 46, 38, 31,
22, 34, 60, 70, 73, 63, 46, 43, 28), ncol=2)
a <- matrix(c(22, 33, 64, 85, 92, 94, 59, 27, 30, 64, 60, 33, 31, 9,
99, 67, 15, 5, 4, 30, 8, 37, 42, 27, 19, 69, 60, 73, 3, 5, 21,
37, 52, 70, 74, 9, 13, 4, 17, 47), ncol=2)
xy <- rbind(cbind(1, p), cbind(0, a))
# extract predictor values for points
e <- extract(logo, xy[,2:3])
# combine with response (excluding the ID column)
v <- data.frame(cbind(pa=xy[,1], e))
#build a model, here with glm
model <- glm(formula=pa~., data=v)
#predict to a raster
r1 <- predict(logo, model)
points(p, bg='blue', pch=21)
points(a, bg='red', pch=21)
# logistic regression
model <- glm(formula=pa~., data=v, family="binomial")
r1log <- predict(logo, model, type="response")
# to get the probability and standard error
r1se <- predict(logo, model, se.fit=TRUE)
# or provide a custom predict function
predfun <- function(model, data) {
v <- predict(model, data, se.fit=TRUE)
cbind(p=as.vector(v$fit), se=as.vector(v$se.fit))
r2 <- predict(logo, model, fun=predfun)
# principal components of a SpatRaster
pca <- prcomp(logo)
# or use sampling if cannot process all cell values
sr <- spatSample(logo, 100000, "regular")
pca <- prcomp(sr)
x <- predict(logo, pca)
## parallelization
if (FALSE) {
## simple case with GLM
model <- glm(formula=pa~., data=v)
p <- predict(logo, model, cores=2)
## The above does not work with a model from a contributed
## package, as the package needs to be loaded in each core.
## Below are three approaches to deal with that
rfm <- randomForest(formula=pa~., data=v)
## approach 0 (not parallel)
rp0 <- predict(logo, rfm)
## approach 1, use the "cpkgs" argument
rp1 <- predict(logo, rfm, cores=2, cpkgs="randomForest")
## approach 2, write a custom predict function that loads the package
rfun <- function(mod, dat, ...) {
predict(mod, dat, ...)
rp2 <- predict(logo, rfm, fun=rfun, cores=2)
## approach 3, write a parallelized custom predict function
rfun <- function(mod, dat, ...) {
ncls <- length(cls)
nr <- nrow(dat)
s <- split(dat, rep(1:ncls, each=ceiling(nr/ncls), length.out=nr))
unlist( parallel::clusterApply(cls, s, function(x, ...) predict(mod, x, ...)) )
cls <- parallel::makeCluster(2)
parallel::clusterExport(cls, c("rfm", "rfun", "randomForest"))
rp3 <- predict(logo, rfm, fun=rfun)
plot(c(rp0, rp1, rp2, rp3))
### with two output variables (probabilities for each class)
v$pa <- as.factor(v$pa)
rfm2 <- randomForest(formula=pa~., data=v)
rfp <- predict(logo, rfm2, cores=2, type="prob", cpkgs="randomForest")
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